Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blue Cat's Sticky 23, Thing #1 My blog

I have created a blog on blogger. I have done this before, but never really used it. I even tried to set one up for the library but no one ever wanted to post. But, since I like to write anyway, I intend to keep posting to this blog, even AFTER I am awarded my completion prize. I have to say BLOGGER.COM made it easy to set up a blog. I saved the URL in my library favorites in a file call 23 things, and also saved the 23 Things on a stick blog site. That way I can find everything the next time.
Looking forward to learning new things and ways to use them!

1 comment:

aurora said...

Welcome to 23 Things on a Stick! I'm glad to hear that your initial blogger experience was positive.

If you want to visit other SELS participant blogs, you can see them here We're encouraging people to make this a community feeling, with comments, questions and interaction between all of you bloggers.

Aurora Jacobsen from SELCO